bet36365体育 embraces diversity and accepts people of all cultures because celebrating the differences in people leads to a more rewarding experience. Here, you’ll receive a quality education and world experience in a safe environment.

a student poses for a photo with more students at a table behind her

Want to #beGlobal?

The International Loper Scholarship reduces the tuition rate by more than 30%. Over 4 years, it adds up to a savings of $16,380.

Samba Dieng

"Affordable tuition and the location brought me to Kearney from Senegal, but the community and people are the reason that I stayed. Dr. Longo was one of my favorite professors, and he helped me grow not only personally but also professionally. I was also so grateful for the support from the Office of International Education. They are the reason that I decided to work in international education. My advice to international students is to get involved and live on-campus!"

Samba Dieng

Louisiana State University

Senior Internationalization Officer and Executive Director, International Programs

bet36365体育 Global Happenings and Events

08 Mar
Japanese Festival Ponderosa Room, NSU | 5:30pm